wtorek, 24 marca 2009

School is bored, but not always...

...if friends has survive ;D. This day is...like dream zero storms only laugh. Lol girls today is our day ;DD. Sarah <3 Kate <3. I love u. ;*.
P.E- OMG! We threw for handball ball. I have obtained 5 - . ;DD + fun in media with Sarah ;* <3.
Religion- We watched movie aboult St. Piotr. Laugh with Sarah <3.
Science- I wrote overdue test. When with complete test sit with Sarah.<3
Mathematics- Mr. Łęgowski wanted to pound ears me :lol2: xdd
English- Mrs. Sech gave me 4 :).
History- Test ! ;/.It was not hard because I did not pull off from Sary. ;D.
+ Do it all night.mp3. <3

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